I continued my collaborative drawing with Gaia Shaw from Unit 5, we had a lovely time, sitting on the floor and indulging in the activity of drawing, observing and commenting on what was happening around us. The architecture and environment of the SCVA gave us so much to respond to, i felt quite daunted by the scale of the task, but focused on smaller details in the end. Lots of people came up to speak to us, and i really enjoyed that. We hope to take the drawing to another site to continue working on it.

There was also a table tennis tournament going on between the studios in the Education Studio downstairs. This gathered a good crowd. It was beautiful and surreal to have so many artists in a room, enthusiastic about about a table tennis match rather than the traditional notion of "art".
Kate Hodges, also from Unit 5 Studios mapped out my Muspole Studio in the exhibition space, this followed up her time spent in my studio last week where she re-arranged items, interestingly capturing a lot of my personality in doing so.

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